Ghent, European Youth Capital in 2024

Ghent will be European Youth Capital in 2024. The city was awarded the title by the European Youth Forum in November 2021.

EYC header jongeren

Each year, the European Youth Forum awards the title of European Youth Capital to a European host city. In 2024, Ghent will be that city! During the whole year, Ghent will develop ideas, projects and activities in which the voice of young people is clearly heard. This allows for a youthful perspective to be added to all aspects of urban life.  

A story by and for young people

Young people can actively contribute to the EYC, making it a story by and for themselves. That is why all policy areas linked to the young are included in the story. The EYC programme in 2024 will give our youth (organisations) plenty of opportunities to travel, learn and exchange ideas with other European youth (organisations). We invite everyone to experience our youth-friendly city! 

In the run-up to 2024, we want all educational institutions, youth work initiatives, cultural organisations, sports clubs, student associations, companies and citizen initiatives to think about how they can actively involve young people in their activities and how they can contribute to Ghent as EYC.

Sharing best practises

It will also create a momentum to share Ghent's best practices with colleagues from abroad, learn from other cities, especially those that were EYC before. Our long tradition as active player in several youth-related and European policy networks and our extensive track record of collaboration with other cities will surely help to reinforce this European dimension. 

Three priorities for Ghent

The priorities were determined on the basis of earlier consultations among young people (Major @ Your Town, stemrecht 16+,…), signals from civil society and known issues. We selected 3 main keypoints for our application:

The 3 keypoints are complementary with the city's youth policy path that Ghent has been pursuing for a while now. Not only will these priorities lead to a compelling programme in 2024, but they will also lead to visible long-term results in our city landscape and to a more structural involvement of young people in our city's policy and life in general.


EYC Roadmap 2022

First meeting team communication

Europe Goes Local

Call-up project team

Start project employee

Alles Kan: exchange project Tirana

Selection project team

Informal first meeting project team

Networking moment EYC
EYC Michiel Devijver LunaJong


Ghent is elected European Youth Capital 2024. Want to learn more about our application?

Read it here