Ghent and its international networks

The city of Ghent is a member of over 40 international networks including Eurocities, the most important for large cities in Europe.

International networks are extremely important for the City of Ghent. We collect and share knowledge about policy areas that are important to Ghent, from trade and culture to social policy, digitisation and climate. 
Thanks to these networks, we are able to include urban themes in the policy agenda and to receive resources, establish contacts and get recognition. 


Ghent and the Eurocities network

Ghent is a very active participant of Eurocities, the most important network of large cities in Europe.

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All international networks

In all of these networks, the City of Ghent plays its part as a member. The work of these networks may be broad in content or focused on a single policy area. The network can be oriented towards file management, awareness-raising campaigns and/or exchange of knowledge.