Campaigns and events relating to international cooperation

Discover campaigns and events of the City of Ghent with an international context.

It is the intention of the local government to involve the citizens in topics relating to international cooperation by means of campaigns and events. Thanks to public activities Ghentians also have a say in the international policy. 

Overview of past campaigns and events: 

  • 2020: 75 years UN: In September 2020 the United Nations celebrated its 75th anniversary. The local government seized this unique opportunity to celebrate and commemorate. 
  • 2020: European hymn: On Europe Day 2020, Ghent soprano Annelies Buyssens sang “Al famielde van malkoar” (We’re all family), a Ghent version or the European hymn, from her balcony. Her example was followed in quite a few other European cities. 
  • 2019: European citizen panel, visit to European district and Mayors’ summit:  During a European Citizen Panel, Ghentians formulated ideas for a social and green Europe. The participants in this public participation event also visited the European institutions in Brussels and the mayor gave up his speaking time in favour of one participant during the Mayors’ summit. 
  • 2018: Gent voor een wijs Europa (Ghent for a cool Europe):  A jury selected the 5 best proposals for an attractive Europe made by Ghentians. Two youth ambassadors participated in the annual meeting of the Eurocities city network. 
  • 2018: Ghent 2014-2018: fight for peace:  Ghent prefers to celebrate the end of the war rather than the start of conflicts. Within the context of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, we focused via numerous activities on the importance of coping after the end of a conflict in order to attain a balance and peaceful society. 
  • 2017: The City of Ghent as SDG Voice: Campaign organised in 2017 by the City of Ghent as SDG Voice (Sustainable Development Goals), with 5 fun challenges. 
  • 2016: Year of Japan: 150 years’ friendship between Japan and Belgium and 45 years' sister city relationship between Kanazawa and Ghent.
  • Belmundo: Belmundo is an annual series of activities in March highlighting international solidarity. 
  • Gent Fair Trade: Gent Fair Trade is the driving force behind the fair trade initiatives of the City of Ghent.